Mar del Plata, Argentina


A relatively fast trip down the Brazilian coastline, allowing us just a few stops in landmark places like Rio De Janiero and the first capital, Puerto Seguro, brings us across the mouth of the Rio Plata into the safety of one of Argentina's biggest ports. The sight of Mar del Plata's breakwater, complete with an outstretched arms statue of Christ the Redeemer was a particularly welcoming, having just come through 24 hours of vicious pampero windstorm as we crossed the mouth of the Rio Plata. Our friend Helmut Muckli flies in from Germany to join us, and after bringing in the New Year with local friends, we push on further south. Conditions at first are ideal, gentle breezes and flat seas, its hard to believe we are sailing in the latitudes of the roaring forties, and we watch the miles clock effortlessly by.  

Argentinean impressions            click any picture for enlargement

Photo Number 1 Photo Number 2 Photo Number 3 Photo Number 4

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